How to get involved
Your link with Schoolreaders can take a number of forms and, with input from both sides, can develop into a long-term relationship which brings many advantages to your company while also significantly benefiting us. Our team will work with you to ensure that we come up with a fundraising or donation plan that is supportive of your overall strategy, strengthens your brand and is scalable. Please telephone us today on 01234 924333 to talk about how you and your staff can get involved.
Financial donations
Schoolreaders provided more than 250,000 individual reading support lessons in the 2018/2019 academic year. The scale of the scheme and the fact that our sessions are completely free to schools (meaning that every child can benefit, whatever the financial situation of their school) has been made possible by the generosity of companies like yours. If you would like to donate to Schoolreaders, please contact us on 01234 924333, or go to our donate page.
Gifts in kind
You could choose to donate products or services to help Schoolreaders deliver its programmes or carry out vital fundraising campaigns. At the same time you will be showcasing your brand products and core values to a different audience. Click here to see some of the companies who have supported us.
Staff fundraising
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Volunteering and pro-bono work
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Payroll giving
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Getting your customers involved in your fundraising efforts can be a very positive way of demonstrating your commitment to the wellbeing of your community, whether you operate locally or nationally. The Schoolreaders team can work with you to set up a campaign which resonates with your clients, builds connections between your staff and customers, stimulates long-term customer loyalty and is easy to implement. It may be something as simple as a 'rounding up' button added to your online checkout page, or a local fundraising event - these efforts, whatever their scale, will provide valuable support for us and will say a lot about your organisation's standards and values.