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Can you remember
Schoolreaders in your Will?

Please consider including Schoolreaders in your Will. Your legacy can help future generations of children to receive the reading help they need, having a life long impact. 

Children who can read well are more likely to:

- Complete their education

- Get a job

- Lead a healthy life

- Read with their own children and grandchildren

And leaving a legacy can make financial sense too, as charitable gifts can reduce the tax on your estate. 

We are grateful for gifts of any size. To support Schoolreaders with a gift in your Will, you can leave a fixed amount or a proportion of the residue of your estate, once loved ones have been provided for. To do so, simply use our free Will service with Farewill, complete a codicil form, or share the following suggested wording with your professional adviser:

‘I/We give ____ of (please state fraction/percentage) the residue of my/our estate to Schoolreaders of Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH, Registered Charity Number 1159157, to be applied for the general purposes of Schoolreaders, and I/we direct that the receipt of a proper officer for the time being of Schoolreaders shall be a complete discharge to my/our Executors.’

Should you wish to make a gift of a fixed amount, set out below is suggested wording which your professional adviser can use:

‘I/We give to Schoolreaders of Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH, Registered Charity Number 1159157, to be applied for the general purposes of Schoolreaders, the sum of (amount in figures, amount in words) and I/we direct that the receipt of a proper officer for the time being of Schoolreaders shall be a complete discharge to my/our Executors.’

Please download a codicil for a specific or residual gift to amend your Will, or email Sacha to request a printed copy. 

To thank you within your lifetime, we invite all our legacy pledgers to join The Story Ahead. Members of The Story Ahead are invited to an annual event to hear Schoolreaders’ latest news and plans.

With thanks to our existing members:
Tricia Gage, a Schoolreaders supporter, says:

As a mother and grandmother
I believe very strongly in helping future generations of children to read well, so I have put Schoolreaders in my Will

Sophie Neville, Schoolreaders Legacy Ambassador, who played Titty in the original film of Swallows and Amazons (1974)
Sophie Neville 4 copy.jpg

As a child, I was a very slow reader until I received extra help.  I have left a Gift in my Will to Schoolreaders as I believe wholeheartedly that every child should have the chance to learn to read well. 

Sophie Neville Swallows & Amazons copy.j
Sophie Neville as 'Titty' & Virginia McK
Sophie Neville Swallows & Amazons 2 copy

For a copy of our legacy leaflet please click here or contact us.

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Jane Whitbread, Schoolreaders' Founder

“Children’s life chances are being transformed with Schoolreaders’ help.
As Founder, I believe passionately in its future. I have left a gift in my Will to Schoolreaders, and I hope you will consider joining me.”

Hear from some of the children benefitting from time spent with a Schoolreader each week:

To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us on 01234 924 333

or email

We treat all enquiries with sensitivity and can also post you a copy of our legacy leaflet  if you wish.


Thank you for your consideration.

*Please consult your professional adviser for more information.

01234 924111
Schoolreaders, Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH
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Registered Charity Number: 1159157

Registered in England and Wales

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