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Have a go at our summer review-writing competition! 

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Get reading this summer and send us your book review. You could win a zoom chat for your class with best-selling author M. G. Leonard and lots of fabulous books for yourself and for your school!

Summertime book review

PHOTO © M. G. Leonard Ltd

Reading can take you to every imaginable place in time and space. Books fill your head with friends, your mind with questions and your heart with feelings. They’ll help you decide what kind of grown-up you want to be and see the wonder of the world around you. Reading is magic.
M. G. Leonard says books are the best!
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Do you love to read?  Do you have a favourite book?  Tell us all about it, or read a new book and rate it! You can use one of these templates for your book review, one from school, or you can create your own.


If there isn’t a book that you would like to review, you can choose an e-book (Oxford Owl have some great free ones) or alternatively write your own short story (maximum 600 words).

Some things to include in your review:

Paint a quick picture – explain what the book is about, but no spoilers please!

Opinion – why do you like it? Why didn’t you like it?

Who else would like this book?

Would you recommend it to others, or not?

What could you win?

Two winners will get the chance, along with their class, to take part in a virtual video chat with M. G. Leonard.

These two winners will also win £175-worth of books each for their school libraries, and £30-worth of books each for themselves. 

Four runners up will win 5 books each.

The winners’ book reviews will be featured on the Schoolreaders website.



This is a competition for pupils of primary school age.

The child's name and age and an adult's contact details must be included with each entry. Please also include the name and town of the entrant’s primary school so we can contact them.


Send entries by e-mail to or post them to: Schoolreaders, Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH.

We would be very happy for any teachers to use the competition as an English exercise (more chances for your school to win!). 


Please register if you would like your school to become a Schoolreaders partner school and receive free reading volunteers when they are available.


When by?

All entries need to be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 30th September.


Thanks to M. G. Leonard for supporting our competition, and to Scholastic UK, who publish and sell award-winning children's books, and who have generously donated our book prizes.

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To find out more about Schoolreaders and

our volunteers, please click here or use these links

  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Terms and Conditions - Full terms and conditions can be found here

  1. The Competition is open to any child attending a UK school, who is in Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 on 1st July 2020.

  2. Entries must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 30th September 2020.
  3. Entries will be judged by members of the Schoolreaders Judging Panel. Our decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  4. The winners and four runners-up will be announced and notified within four weeks of the closing date.

  5. If a school chooses to use this competition as a class exercise they must seek parental/ guardian consent for each entry and, if requested by Schoolreaders, must provide written evidence of such consent.

  6. By entering the book review competition, participants and their parent(s) or guardian(s) are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions.

  7. Schoolreaders reserves the right to cancel or amend the Competition, and these Terms and Conditions.

  8. Any changes will be notified to participants as soon as possible by Schoolreaders.

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