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How are we doing?

If you're involved with Schoolreaders, either as a reading volunteer or as a member of staff at one of our partner schools, you will know that we regularly ask you to provide us with feedback on your experience of the scheme. You may wonder what happens to your responses. The information you send us is all carefully analysed, and anyone who raises any questions is contacted by one of our team. We're delighted to say that we've just finished collating your 2019 feedback and the great news is that it seems as if schools and volunteers feel increasingly positive about Schoolreaders and are delighted with the educational and personal benefits brought by the scheme. Of course we don't want to be complacent but we thought you would be as pleased as we are to see the following statistics! We're always keen to hear from you and there is no need to wait until you are next asked for feedback to get in touch... do give us a ring on 01234 924111; we'd love to hear from you.

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