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David is running 5k a day - for a whole year. And it's all to help children's reading ...

We are so grateful to David Griffith, a Head Teacher from Suffolk, who has endured rain and freezing temperatures this winter to raise funds for Schoolreaders. As he says, 'I cannot over-state how important this life skill is and with the detrimental Covid impact on many children's education, this is a worthy cause at an important time'.

David describes how a month of jogging has turned into a year-long feat of endurance: 'This started by one parent challenging me to run for one month for fun. Most of me enjoyed it - not my Achilles - so it became an informal run for 100 days'. Now David has decided to take things even further and will be running for an entire year. Barring illness and injury, he'll complete his 1,825 kilometres (that's 1,135 miles) on 30th September this year.

At the time of writing in April 2021, David is more than half way through the challenge; he has covered more than 570 miles, and has already raised more than £1,250. His total mileage will equate to running from his home near Bury St Edmunds to Rome, so by his calculations he is already as far as Geneva. Good luck for the next stretch from all at Schoolreaders. If you would like to support David, you can find his JustGiving page here.

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