If you're a keen runner, perhaps you could raise funds for Schoolreaders by joining the thousands of others who will be running in the Bedford Half Marathon on 1st September 2019. Take on 13.1 miles of beautiful, traffic-free Bedfordshire countryside - the organisers even promise that it will be a mostly flat course!
Runners will be welcomed across the finish line at Priory Country Park, where there will be a post-race party with live music, food and entertainment.
The Half Marathon is part of Bedford's 3-day running festival (which runs from 30th August to 1st September) and there will be lots of fringe events including an open-air cinema, a street-food market and a comedy club evening.
If you're interested in running the half marathon for Schoolreaders, please contact Anna on a.bunney@schoolreaders.org. We'll provide you with lots of support, free t-shirts and a huge cheer when you've finished.