It's great to hear about some of the positive literacy initiatives that are gaining traction as we in the UK are lucky enough to begin our emergence from beneath the Covid clouds. Cressida Cowell, always a great advocate for the importance of reading, is using her position as Children's Laureate to amplify her call for better school libraries.
Her flagship project during her two-year tenure as Laureate is called 'Life-changing Libraries', and it will see her join forces with the charity Book Trust to help schools develop a reading-for-pleasure culture. This will involve the building of new library spaces, staff training and, of course, the provision of lots of lovely books. The project will monitor the impact on pupils' engagement, attitudes and reading behaviour for a year and all involved are hoping for some transformational results.
Cressida Cowell has backed up her activities by writing an open letter to Boris Johnson, asking him to make a significant increase in funding for school libraries. As she says, reading is 'just as important as sport - it's about children's life chances ... Children reading for joy is one of the two key factors in children's future economic success... they will also be healthier and happier.
To find out more about the initiative click here .