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World Book Day - Inventive celebrations across the UK

It's that time of year again... World Book Day is today, Thursday 5th March. Children in more than 100 countries will spend the day celebrating the power and joy of reading in a multitude of different ways. Primary schools across this country are filled with what Alice O'Keefe in the Guardian describes as 'overexcited, undersized BFGs, Mary Poppinses and Gruffalos'. For many children much of the fun of WBD is the dressing up, but inventive teachers all over the country are coming up with imaginative ideas to make sure that the focus of the day remains on books and reading. Schools in Gosport, Hampshire are asking children to get creative - pupils at St John's C of E Primary School are recreating scenes from their favourite books, with potatoes - appropriately sculpted and accessorised - taking the parts of the main characters. Meanwhile, in Scunthorpe, children have been using their favourite book covers as inspiration for decorating their classroom doors, and local librarians are coming in to judge their efforts. And in Swindon, one school has organised a 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' quiz; a dining table has been laid with food and props relating to different book characters, and the children have to guess who the guests at this amazing dinner party might be.

A Tiger-who-came-to-tea-themed 'Book Door' in Scunthorpe

'Guess Who's Coming To Dinner' quiz tables

PHOTOGRAPHS: © World Book Day

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